To further indicate how too busy I am, I had a ten hour day today. at school. a test tomorrow, a candidate in town that I have to take to dinner, a test the day after, another dinner, and then a busy friday, that's not really friday, because I work an eight hour day on Saturday. Dear God.
Seriously, though, five hours in the lab this morning, five hours at the CAL. I slept for six hours last night, although three hours of that was all nightmares about chemistry lab. yeah. That is how much I love chemistry, I have nightmares about it.
Oh well, though, I'm watching the Westminster Dog Show. I like dogs. It's the sporting category right now. I like retrievers, and spaniels and pointers. i miss having a dog. Dogs are great.
I should really study now. It's quantum mechanics tomorrow. I need to memorize equations, for energy, Bohr radius, i should probably relearn my trigonometry identities. Or i could just watch a dog show and go to bed. difficult choice. . .